Grade: PharmD, PhD
Position: AAAMR 2nd Vice-President
Institution: High Polytechnic School at Dakar University
N.Coumba Touré Kane is the Scientific Director and lead of the Molecular Biology platform at the “ Institut de Recherche en Santé, de Surveillance Epidémiologique et de Formation (IRESSEF).
She is the head of Bacteriology-Virology Laboratory of Dalal Jamm Hospital in Dakar.
Her research interests include the molecular epidemiology, physiopathology and Drug Resistance of HIV and many other infectious diseases agents.
She assisted in the implementation of Alternative tools for the virologic monitoring of HIV infected patients including the DBS (Dried Blood Spot) for Viral Load and Genotyping assays. She has contributed to the documentation of molecular epidemiology of HIV in several countries of the African AIDS Research Network. She also contributed to the scaling up access to Viral Load and EID (Early Infant Diagnosis) in many countries.
She’s involved in many research projects on preventive and therapeutic strategies (HIV and Hepatitis B and C), Bacterial Resistance and other virus-induced Cancers. She authored or co-authored more than 150 papers published in International peer-reviewed journals.
She’s member of the WHO Guidelines Development Groups on Diagnosis, Biological Monitoring and Implementation of Quality Control of HIV and Hepatitis B & C. She’s also the General Secretary of the African Network of Practitioners Assisting the Care of People Living with HIV (RESPASI), and Co-President of the Conference of Francophone Alliance on Health Actors against HIV and Hepatitis (AFRAVIH) in 2018, in Bordeaux, France.