Date: 08 - 10 February 2023

Venue : Institut National de Santé Publique, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire

Theme: Pandemic Threats and Antimicrobial Resistance: How is Africa preparing?


Abstracts of communications

We welcome abstracts on AMR in Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology, Virology and One Health in French or in English and should not exceed 250 words (Times New Roman, police 12). They must be presented as follows: Title in bold format; Name and first name and initials of authors in capital letters; Full address of authors; the presenting author should be in bold. Abstract text should be structured as follows: Introduction (including objectives), Methodology, Results/Discussion and Conclusion; Keywords: maximum of 6.

Abstract submission

All the abstracts should be sent by email to the congress secretariat:

Abstract submission deadline: 15th November 2022

Notification to authors of accepted communication: 15th December 2022

Congress languages:

The official languages of the congress are English and French.

Presentation preference: Oral or Poster (please specify)

Congress fees: 25.000 FCFA (50$US) for Lecturers and researchers and 5.000 FCFA (10$US) for students (student ID required).

More information: Contact the congress secretary and the Conference website: